What's Inside the new FunWhole Factory House of Music Set F9068

Hey brick fans!

I'm really excited to show you my unboxing of the latest Lego compatible building block set by FunWhole!  It's the Factory House of Music F9068 set, part of the Street Fusion Series.   Age rated at 16+, it has 2654 pieces.

Thanks very much to FunWhole for sending me the Factory House of Music set in advance to review.   It's not presently on the FunWhole website yet, but should be available towards the end of March 2025.  I'll update this blog post when more info becomes available.
Love the vibrant box art, the Factory House of music looks to be an old sugar factory that has been converted into a night club.  The front entrance to the club looks amazing with the metal gates.  I also see a couple of the old smoke stacks left over from the factory days.  This Street Fusion set features a good amount of grafitti and of course these are printed parts and not stickers.  There are six new minifigures exclusive to this set.

The box also suggests that the Music Factory is multi-form, with lots of moving or opening pieces, so I can't wait to build this to see those features in action.

Touch the Beat!

On the back of the box, the Factory House of music is displayed with some of FunWhole's other Street Fusion sets, namely the Skateboard shop and the Record Store.  Those sets were released in 2024.


Cracking open the box!  I see some manuals!

Three manuals to be exact, numbered 1 to 3.
Book 1 covers steps 1 thru 3.   
Book 2 covers steps 4 thru 7.
Book 3 covers steps 8 thru 11.

Jam packed with parts, all packaged in numbered bags.  Lots of technic pieces visible in the bags.
Bags are numbered 1 thru 11 to correspond to the steps in the manuals.


In addition to the instruction manuals, there's the lighting kit in it's signature orange box.

Inside the orange box,  there's a battery box which uses 3 AA batteries (not included), screwdriver to open the battery box, tweezers for handling the wires, two pouches numbered 1 and 3.
There's also a transparent case marked as number 2.

Here are the lighting elements in pouch number 1.

Several LED lighting strips in case 2.

Finally here are the remaining light components in pouch 3.

According to the instructions, I counted 24 lighting elements in this set.  That doesn't include the USB plug, the battery box or any of the other adapters.

Supplemental Instructions

Inserted inside the first manual, I found some supplemental instructions.

Bag Inventory

As I do with all my unboxings, I take an inventory of all the parts bags to make sure I have them all.
As mentioned earlier, there are several bags numbered 1 through 11.
There are also bags marked F and S.  The F bags typically contain the pieces to build the minifigures and the special bricks used for the lighting elements.  The S bags contain larger plates and printed signs.  A smaller bag with some printed pieces was also included.

Here's the breakdown of the parts bags:

Each of the eleven steps has 4 bags of parts except steps six and nine which only have 3 bags.  There are two bags marked S and two bags marked F plus 1 bag labelled as spare parts.  In total, there are 47 bags of parts if my math is correct.

In my next blog post, I'll do a full review of the building experience and provide my thoughts about the FunWhole Factory House of Music set.  Stay tuned, bye for now!

P.S. Take 10% off your FunWhole purchases using code itsnotlego!